Au revoir 2016…Bonne Année 2017!

2016 has been a great year. our friends from Douai went to visit us in June and through Skype, we have been able to wish Merry Christmas. Our friends sent us

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Happy New Year to everybody in Alpha and Ecole Bufquin/Fontellaye. Thank you to all who make that exchange possible. Thank you for visiting the blog and for your support.

Sabine Brenot

One thought on “Au revoir 2016…Bonne Année 2017!”

  1. 2016 has been a great year. our friends from Douai went to visit us in June and through Skype, we have been able to wish Merry Christmas.

    Our friends sent us Bonne Année à tous en Alpha et Ecole Bufquin / Fontellaye. Merci à tous ceux qui rendent cet échange possible. Merci de votre visite sur le blog et de votre soutien.

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